What can cause dry eye?
There are many ways in which the eyes may become dehydrated and uncomfortable. Below are some of the risk factors and causes of dry eye:
- Certain medications
- Certain medical conditions
- Natural process of aging
- Blocked or malfunctioning tear duct
- Allergen exposure
- Constant use of contact lenses
- Environmental factors
In many situations, Dr. Stuart P. Sondheimer can help patients determine the cause of their dry eye and then work with them in finding the best solution. Below are some of the more commonly recommended tips and tricks to reducing or addressing dry eye:
- Artificial tear drops (prescription or over-the-counter)
- Management of allergies (seasonal and environmental)
- Ointments that can be applied at night to coat the eye and provide long-term relief
- Avoid areas with high air movement (as fans and dryers can worsen dryness)
- Regular rest for the eyes, both with sleep and reduced exposure to televisions and computers
- Avoid cigarette smoke
- Improve moisture in the air with a humidifier in the living room and bedroom
- Avoid contact lens use during periods of extreme dry eyes
Discuss the benefits of treatment for dry eyes
Dr. Stuart P. Sondheimer and his team in Skokie, IL are dedicated to helping patients take good care of their eyes and vision. If you are struggling with conditions such as dry eye, it may be time to speak to a professional about treatment options. Call (847) 677-2794 today to book an appointment at the office, conveniently located in Suite 201 at 9150 Crawford Avenue.