How are cataracts treated?
Unfortunately, the only treatment available for cataracts is surgical intervention. There is no definitive way to prevent cataracts or prevent them from worsening. Some studies have linked ultraviolet light to cataract development and progression, which makes it more important than ever for patients to protect their eyes with UV blocked sunglasses when outdoors. When the condition is severely impacting one’s vision, Dr. Stuart P. Sondheimer will often suggest surgical intervention to improve vision.
What can I expect from cataract surgery?
Cataract surgery is a procedure that is regularly done for cataract patients. It is a simple outpatient procedure that is done with proper sedation and anesthetics of the eye to ensure patient comfort. Physical and visual recovery is often rapid, with most patients able to drive a vehicle or return to work the following day.
The procedure itself starts with sedation and anesthetics. A special device is used to keep the eye open during the procedure when Dr. Stuart P. Sondheimer makes two small incisions in the cornea. A fluid is injected into a circular opening in the eye to separate the lens from the membrane and remove the cataract using a phacoemulsification instrument. An implant is placed and the incision is closed to complete the surgical procedure.
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Stuart P. Sondheimer to see if you are a viable candidate for cataract surgery
Call the main office at (847) 677-2794 to request a time to speak to our eye physician at 9150 Crawford Avenue, Ste. #201 in Skokie, Illinois. Our professionals can evaluate you and determine if you are a good candidate for cataract surgery, and answer any questions you may have about the procedure or the results that can be achieved.