What Is Refractive Cataract Surgery?
Refractive eye surgery is an elective procedure that is often used to enhance the natural refractive state of the natural eye. It can decrease one’s dependency on corrective lenses, including contact lenses or eyeglasses. The surgery may be done in a few different ways, by placing a new artificial lens implant or by surgically remodelling the cornea.
What Are the Benefits of Refractive Cataract Surgery vs. Standard Cataract Surgery?
With refractive cataract surgery, Dr. Stuart P. Sondheimer will often place a premium intraocular lens, which can provide better results for many of our patients. This is different than standard cataract surgery, where a traditional, standard intraocular lens is used. These lenses often address only one distance of vision, requiring patients to still rely on glasses and other visual aids to correct common refractive errors like astigmatism, farsightedness, or nearsightedness.
Which One Is Right for Me?
If you are a proper candidate and have coverage for refractive cataract surgery, it is always a great idea to undergo this variety of surgery when compared to traditional cataract surgeries with standard IOLs. The outcome is often more in line with what patients desire when undergoing eye surgery with a physician they trust. During an initial evaluation, our team will determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment over more conventional surgical methods available.
Request a Visit With Dr. Stuart P. Sondheimer Today!
If you live in Skokie, IL or the surrounding communities and are ready to learn more about the benefits of refractive cataract surgery, call 847-677-2794 to request an appointment. We are conveniently located and available to help new and returning patients in and around our city, ensuring everyone has access to healthy eyes and vision!